What is it like selling at Mid America Paper Recycling? We asked National Sales Manager, Marty Leibforth, for his perspective and how he sees the future of the industrial recycling industry.
Marty Leibforth, National Sales Manager, has been in sales at Mid America Paper Recycling for 15 years. What’s it like to be a national sales manager in the recycling industry?
“Excellent customer service is the backbone of what we provide. Our customer service team delivers the customers’ voice to our staff members on an hourly basis to ensure timely, customized responses to their needs as they arise. This communication and support are essential to keeping customers coming back to us as we solve their needs year after year.”
The knowledgeable, experienced sales team is often compared with a group of air traffic controllers, finding available recyclables, scheduling pickups, cutting purchase orders, and scheduling transportation to the pulp and paper mills. Leibforth agrees the sales role involves directing, sourcing, strategizing, and much more.
“We listen to clients, ask questions, provide them with key information and research new technologies to find successful solutions. We conduct Waste Audits, analyze the results, and tweak customer processes to enhance their revenues. Once a new customer is 'onboarded,' the Customer Service Representative (CSR) team and I then oversee the steady flow of their recyclables,” Marty adds. “Our goal is to innovate, improve recycling operations, and develop new approaches to recycling challenges. Our specialty is recycling difficult-to-recycle waste items and finding the highest financial value return for them. We have the financial and asset resources of a large company, but we have the maneuverability of a smaller boutique company.”
That’s not to say there are no challenges. “It’s difficult to market contaminated or out-of-spec supply, but we do it,” Leibforth points out. “We feel we are helping to change the recycling industry by constantly educating ourselves and our customers on new recycling technologies, practices, and processes. We are always on the lookout for ways to handle new plastic grades.”
Changing the thinking
Leibforth and the sales team frequently encounter businesses that still view recycling as a nonessential output of core production. They may view their recovered waste as something for the landfill. “When we encounter that reaction, we let them know it costs about the same to recycle their waste as it does to landfill it. We have various service programs tailored to many limited constraints. I consider it my goal to walk the floor of the operation and put myself in the business owner's shoes, looking for the financial bottom line of my customers. Educating customers and illustrating the advantages of saving them money, opens their eyes. They can't believe the recycling volume growth they see. That growth is the priority, given environmental and corporate image enhancement opportunities as well as the advantages of meeting new financial goals.”
Leibforth says the difference between Mid America Paper Recycling and other recycling companies is the excellent results. "We focus on growing our customer service staff and its expertise, which substantially impacts business growth and what we can offer suppliers. Today, we have the financial resources to participate in growth opportunities with our national customer-partners.”
The sales team faces recycling industry issues such as limited recycled content in finished products, a lack of recycling legislation, and financial incentives to retain material ownership. “A major challenge is limited participation in the recycling process,” Leibforth notes. “There are also issues with inadequate safety within the infrastructure to ensure contaminant-free quality. So we talk with customers, enlightening them about new processes, sharing new information and best practices, and discussing relevant experiences and insights. Managing customer expectations and their needs requires planning early on. No one can control or predict specific revenue levels or the market pricing index, but we meet quarterly with our customers to review their processes and solve problems accordingly.”
It’s so gratifying when a customer is especially pleased, he relates. “We work tirelessly to build trust with our customers, ensuring their satisfaction, which retains their business. We provide ongoing follow-ups and fact-finding services for additional growth opportunities. Follow-up is critical. Monitoring a customer's progress builds trust and strengthens the relationship. The results provide referrals that effectively grow our business."
To talk with the sales team and assess and upgrade your recycling operation, visit https://www.midamericapaper.com. Take our quick, free Waste Audit Survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MAPRAudit.
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