Revenue-Generating Sustainable Solutions

Revenue-Generating Sustainable Solutions

An outstanding recycling plan, perfectly executed and tracked.

Mid America is responsive and accountable to your organization’s goals for sustainability and increased revenue. We will never stop looking for ways to simplify the supply chain and make the process even more efficient and profitable. The status of individual projects, accurate and timely reporting on flows, rates, payments, recycling values, overall revenue generated and environmental impacts are tracked every step of the way. At quarterly meetings, we will review this progress and agree on next steps.

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We are your eyes and ears; you deposit the revenue check.

Mid America has the expertise, capacity, flexibility, and financial strength to meet the specialized requirements of businesses with national and international footprint. Our team focuses on simplifying the supply chain, developing sole accountability, and adhering to a common platform. Zero waste initiatives, sustainability goals and financial goals are easier to implement and track with one software system, one voice, and one common understanding. We can optimize your current program, or build one from scratch.

Contact us for a consultation!

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